Hello All,
This is my first 'real' blog regarding my weekly ICT workshops. I am still feeling dubious about the correct content that is needed. Hopefully over the next few weeks things will start to flow more easily, and I will be more like the wise, knowledgeable owl expressing my opinions and providing factual information to my readers.
It is a strange concept to think children 'nowadays' have been using the internet, gaming consoles, satellite navigational systems and mobile phones for many years. When I was in Primary school the latest craze was collecting stickers, pogs or creating friendship bracelets (oh how times have changed!!!) . All I know is this: technology is continuously changing, and to quote Eppig (1981) 'If pupil's don't learn the way we teach.........perhaps we should teach the way they learn'. Meaning if I am to be a great teacher, I have to be up to date with the latest technology. This will be reflected upon in my teaching and my ability to produce effective yet imaginative lessons.
Print Screen
This tool is effectively used to take a picture of what is on your screen. This is done by pressing PRINT SCREEN (PRTSC or PRTSCN on some keyboards). The image is called a screen capture. You can then paste the screen capture into a document, e‑mail message, or other file. This can be very handy to use in the classroom as it can illustrate pictures/information from websites or help show 'how to' worksheets.
Web 2.0
What is Web 2.0??? I thought this earlier this afternoon, but it doesn't seem such a scary concept once it was explained. Basically........when the internet first started appearing in peoples homes (approx 1990's) it was mainly used for emails or information searching which i suppose could be known as Web 1.0. Since then the internet as evolved and its use is now limitless. The web is now not only used for what it did before, but also to facilitate creativity, information sharing and of course collaboration among other users. These concepts have led to the development and evolution of networking sites most popular being: Facebook, Twitter, Skype,Flickr, Dropbox, Myspace and Youtube as pictured below.
While the new thought of Web 2.0 may be exciting and carefree to use there are also implications which need to be considered. Some of which being:
- Once something has been put on the internet it can be hard to control what happens to it for example people's comments or viewing ability.
- The person uploading has no morality meaning he/she will not know what consequences may arise until it's too late.
- Young children are more technological and may view non-age appropriate website.
- People providing their personal details to strangers/meeting up with strangers.
Blogging after school clubs have been set up for children to access the internet, create/update blogs and speak/read about other children in other schools all over the world. Children will occasionally use their blogs to update pieces of work that mean a lot to them, these can then be seen by family members who live in different countries.
SEN - Children with special educational needs can also benefit from blogging and using the computer. For example a child with Autism will develop better communication skills when they are authentically communicating. As they have the freedom to express themselves through web based activities instead of using the pen and paper method. This will help boost their imagination/creativity skills.
Think You Know (ages 5 - Adults): http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
CBBC (ages 5 - 16): http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/topics/stay-safe
Kent County Council (Adults) - http://www.kent.gov.uk/childrens_social_services/protecting_children/e-safety.aspx
Personally I think I've learned a lot from this workshop, and I'm going to leave it there before I start babbling too much (this writing malarkey is easier than I first thought!!)
Looking forward to my next blog so until then.........